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Agenda of the Seventh Annual Asian City Forum
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 04 日 
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      The Asian City Forum

The Asian City Forum was founded to strengthen cooperation between Asian cities, government officials, scholars researching city branding and image, and the media industry. The conference seeks to reflect upon the latest scholarship and experiences on improving the international image of cities across Asia and hence its competitiveness.

In 2008, the Asian City Forum invited prominent government officials and scholars from around the world to discuss their experience and research in constructing the image of cities. Distinguished speakers included Yun Yeong-seok, the Seoul Municipal Government City Marketing Supervisor , James  Rao, Former Head of the New York Planning Bureau , and Ni Pengfei, Secretary of the Global City Competitiveness and Transnational Project of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The 2008 forum was so successful that nearly a hundred journalist attended to report on the event.

The 2009 Asian City Forum promises to be just as exciting as we will invite more government officials, scholars, and specialist across Asia and the world. Participants will include government officials responsible for the construction and promotion of city branding in Korea, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and Hong Kong to speak about their experiences. The conference will also give the opportunity to internationally and nationally respected scholars researching urban marketing and city image to share their latest research with government officials. The forum brings together a team of scholars and experts to provide intelligent support through new theories, research, and training. Furthermore, the conference intends to form the first Asian City Association to act as a realm where Asian cities can share experiences and mutually reinforce the development of city images.

*        Theme

The Creation and Communication of City Images

*        Organizer

Communication University of China

*        Co-Organizers

The Asia Media Research Centre of the Communication University of China

Information Office of the People’s Government of Jilin Province

*        Sponsors

CCTV Future Advertisement Company

Zonbo Media Inc.

The Soft Power Institute of China

*        Date and Location

Changchun, Jilin, China

August 16th, 2009

The Asian City Forum Agenda (Tentative)

830—1000         Opening Ceremony


Xun Fengqi

Member of the Standing Committee,Jilin Provincial Committee of the Chinese Communist Party,

Head of the Department of Information

Opening Remarks:


Han Changfu

Governor of Jilin Province


Wang Chen

Head, Information Office, State Council


Su Zhiwu

President, Communication University of China


Jae-Youl Kim

President, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies


Keynote Speakers:


Wu Zhipan

Vice-Secretary, Peking University Party Standing Committee


Tugba Kalafatoglu

President, American Communication Association


Wang Xiaojie

Director, Department of Technology, State Administration of Radio, Film and Television


Group Photo Session

来源: 中国发展门户网
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Organizing Committee
Agenda of the Seventh Annual Asian Media Forum
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