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About Jilin(关于吉林)
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 03 日 
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Jilin province is short for “Ji” and located in the central part of northeast China, between 40°52′-46°18′ north latitude and between 121°38′-131°19′ east longitude. It covers an area of about 187,400 sq km, 2% of the total country area. The territory of Jilin stretches about 600 km from north to south and about 750 km from east to west. It bordered with Liaoning Province to the south, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the west, Heilongjiang Province to the north, and the Russian Federation to the east. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea sits opposite Jilin across the Yalu and Tumen rivers. The province’s 1,438.7-km borderline includes a 1,206-km stretch between China and Korea and a 232.7-km stretch between China and Russia. Hunchun situated in the geometry center of the Northeast Asia, is the city on the easternmost tip of the province and only 15 km from the Sea of Japan and 4 km from Russian Posjet Bay.

Jilin province sees extremely four seasons, and the disaster like flood and drought seldom takes place here. Situated on the eastern side of the middle-latitudinal Eurasian Continent, Jilin has a continental monsoon climate. It is arid and windy in spring, hot and rainy in summer with the highest temperature 30°C,comfortably fine and cool in autumn, while winter is long and cold with the lowest temperature minus 30°C.The annual temperature averages 26°C, with the temperature in the mountain areas a bit too low and that in the plains a bit too high. The frost-free period lasts 100 to 160 days. Precipitation averages 400600 mm a year, but is marked by striking seasonal and geographical differences: 80% of the rainfalls are concentrated in summer, with the eastern part enjoying the most abundant rainfalls. In a normal year, the land of Jilin receives plenty of sunshine, heat and water, to the benefit of crop growth. Here is really a glamorous and auspicious land, because of the favourable weather for the crops.

Jilin province has a varied polymorphous landforms and physiognomy, generally sloping downwards towards the northwest, the character is high in the southeast and low in the nothwest. The Dahei Mountain divides the province into hilly and mountainous areas in the east part and plains in the central and western parts. The former is further divided into the Changbai Mountains and their foothills; and the latter can be divided into high plains in the middle, and grassy marshlands, lakes, ponds and wet sandy soils. There are a variety of landforms – volcanic and eroded landforms, flood plains and alluvial plains. Mountains make up 36% of the land; plains,30%; tablelands and others, 28.2%; and hilly areas, 5.8%.

The local ecological environment is diverse and relatively integral. What’s more, it is highly renewable and well preserved. In terms of eco-regional distribution, the province , from the east to the west is divided into four ecological areas – primitive forests stretching in the Changbai Mountains, secondary vegetation covers in the hilly central and eastern part, the SongLiao Plains  in central part, and grasslands and wetland in west Jilin. With a high forest cover rate, an intact ecological system, rich fauna and flora, and abundant precipitation, the Changbai Mountains in east Jilin forms a major protection screen for the eco-environment of Jilin province and of the entire northeast China as well. Dense secondary woods and man-made forests cover the hilly east and central Jilin, endowing a major section of the Songhua River with rich water and mineral resources. With its flat and fertile land protected by a complete chain of shelter forests, and with all the fine conditions for the cultivation of quality farm produce, the Songliao Plain in the central part is a major grain producing centre nicknamed “Golden Corn Belt” and “homeland of Soybeans”. As extensions of the Horqin Grassland, the grassland and wetland in the west are vast and abound in subterranean and passing water, form an ecological transition belt between a moderately moist forests-grassland and a semi-arid grassland-desert area, and provides a major passageway for migrating birds. The low-lying terrain of Jilin receives plenty of sunshine and solar heat, and has vast potentials for developing agriculture and animal husbandry. 

来源: 中国发展门户网
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