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Basic Statistics on Public Libraries (2006)
单位:千元、千册、千平方米 (1000 yuan, 1000 copies, 1000 sqm)
    Item 机构数 从业人员     阅览室   总藏量             在藏量中: 当年购买的 书架单层 累计发放 总流通   书刊文献 为读者举办 参加人次 信息化装备 共享工程 本年收入             本年支                           本年新   年末固定 增加值 公用房屋        
(个) (人) #高级职称 #中级职称 座席数 #少儿阅览 (千册)         缩微制品   开架书刊 报刊种类 总 长 度 有效借书   #书刊文献 外借册次 各种活动 (人次) Informatization Equipment 服 务 点     财政拨款 上级补助 事业收入 经营收入 附属单位 其他收入 出合计 基 本 项 目 经 营 在支出合计中 In Total Expenditure             购藏量 #新购 资产原值   建筑面积 #书  #阅览室    
Number of Number of     (千个)  室座席数 Total   #古籍   Newspapers Microfilm- Others (千册) (种) (千米)     (人次)  外借人次 (册) (次)   计算机   网站数 因特网 (个)             上缴收入   Total 支 出 支 出 支 出 人 员   公 用             对 个 人 Number  图书 Year-end Value Floor     #书  #电 
Institutions Employed Senior Middle Seating Seating Collections Books   #善本 and products   Of Total Number of Newspapers Total (千个) Total Person-times Number Service Number (台) #电子阅览 (个) 总带宽 Number               Expendi- Basic Project Business 支 出 #社会保 支 出 #福利费 维修费 各种设备     税 金 和 家 庭 of New Number Original Added Space of Stack Reading  阅览室  阅览室
(unit) Persons Title Title Capacity of Capacity of     Ancient         Collection: and Periodicals Length of Accumulative Number Borrowing of Books Activies of Computers  室终端数 Number (mbps) of Sharing Total Government Subsidies Undertaking Business Payment Other ture Expendi- Expendi- Expendi- Personnel  障缴费 Public Welfare   购 置 费 #新增藏量   支 出 补助支出 Purchase of Books Value   Public Rooms Rooms Books and Electronic
  (person)     Reading Children (1000   Books Rare Periodicals     Books on Open Purchased Bookshelves Number of Library of Publications and Periodicals Provided Participants (set) Number of Terminals of Total Bandwidth Project Service Income Budget from Income Income from Income During ture ture ture Expenses Social Expendi- Expenses Maintenance Equipment  购 置 费 #图  Tax Subsidies to During Purchased of Fixed   Buildings     Periodicals Media
        Rooms Reading copies)     Books       Shelves During the Year (km) Cards Distributed Circulation from Lent to Readers for Readers (person-    in Electronic Websites of Internet Stations During   Superior     Auxiliary   the Year         Security ture   Expenses Purchase Purchase of  购置费 Expenses Individuals the Year   Assets         Reading Reading
        (1000 units) Rooms               (1000 copies) (kind)   (1000 units) (person-times) Libraries (copy) (times) times)   Media Reading (unit) (mbps) (unit) the Year   Authority     Organizations             Expenses       Expenses  New Collections Purchase of Books   and Families               Rooms Rooms
   Total 2778 51311 3631 15159 500 142 500243 375130 27701 2373 67479 20295 37339 164784 816293 14130 11599 252173.0 114078.0 210394.0 83117 27414.0 75296 37148 762 15226 14355 3660892 3194791 63600 212141 34974 6110 149276 3440759 2307925 970006 21341 1269944 111030 1636283 31523 85884 931938 727533 660948 16009 336965 21020 16860 13293513 2186246 7189 1755 1590 1124 194
 #少儿图书馆     Children's Libraries 86 1605 149 526 20 18 14581 12827 58 4 853 507 394 9213 25541 141 711 12226.1 6755.9 12383.5 5360 3920.7 3125 1635 33 428 203 136086 114995 5064 7607 1746   6674 131275 87022 40365 1271 46082 4266 67448 827 4940 31914 26381 23962 842 12493 1405 1206 358465 74583 178 25 49 35 8
按隶属关系分  by Jurisdiction of Management                                                                                                                  
      Run by Central Government 1 1418 174 567 3 0 25704 9704 1920 277 12570 1483 1947   22100 333 96 3905.4 1105.2 3315.6 729 149.5 1750 96 1 112   341974 292112 78 32740 6434 4989 5621 301403 135733 164583 1087 48993 1620 172670 8369 4653 130027 130027 130027 2165 44097 747 319 1662174 170111 164 50 21 21 0
  省、区、市    Run by Provinces, Autonomous 37 7531 1187 2261 38 5 147079 91692 13756 1253 15969 13987 25431 26785 143656 3104 1954 34318.3 15623.4 32770.5 7101 3995.0 12605 3182 78 1686 5127 1092068 946707 5734 91434 18241 414 29538 922977 516475 393932 12508 240192 24001 575781 4014 23051 345783 254449 231550 7647 76573 4078 3153 4712691 516934 1047 349 208 176 13
       Regions and Municipalities                                                                                                                  
  地、市    Run by Prefectures (Cities) 349 13193 1380 4879 126 31 130102 107430 6868 340 14922 2557 5192 52051 266781 6110 3796 76784.1 32298.5 60430.8 11197 9608.1 22414 11403 248 5218 5861 961048 834293 13240 45875 2918 584 64138 966467 699232 232927 3572 358008 34557 438360 8109 25195 223247 163581 140227 3654 105618 7108 5478 2981349 594643 2115 515 511 382 57
  县、市    Run by Counties (Cities) 2391 29169 890 7452 333 107 197360 166303 5156 504 24018 2269 4771 85950 383756 4580 5752 137167.8 65052.2 113876.9 64090 13662.5 38527 22467 435 8210 3367 1265802 1121679 44548 42092 7381 123 49979 1249912 956485 178564 4174 622751 50852 449472 11031 32985 232881 179476 159144 2543 110677 9087 7910 3937299 904557 3864 843 849 545 125
来源: 中国发展门户网

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