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中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 07 日 
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■Medical Insurance

The coverage of urban medical care and health service is extensive in Jilin province, including urban residents who didn’t enjoy the basic urban employee medical insurance, the people who have no job, and flexible employees. If the certificated handicappeds or the members from subsistence allowance family that didn’t enjoy the basic urban employee medical insurance, want to participate, the local finance plan as a whole will offer more than 80% of charges. In 2007, Jilin province will set up three guarantee lines of urban medical insurance: the first is basic medical insurance system for urban employees, the second is medical insurance system for urban residents, the third is medical aid system for urban poverty family. We will establish the multiple medical insurance system covered all the people to let every one enjoy the medical guarantee aims. Till to the end of 2007, 7,000,000 persons will participate in the urban medical insurance, in 2008, the medical insurance will cover all the urban residents.

Since 2004, Jilin province has established serious disease aid system for poverty family, and has paid 64 million Yuan to help 183000 persons. In 2005, the urban medical aid system started, and has paid more than 40,000,000 Yuan to help 39000 persons. In 2006, the pilot projects on a new type of rural cooperative medical care system have spread to 24 counties in Jilin province. In 2007, the system will cover the whole province. According to the principle that the government pays more and farms pay a little, the cooperative medical system will benefit more than 14,000,000 farmers in Jilin province. This will help to solve the problem of poverty for disease, difficulty to see a doctor.

■Social Insurance

In 2004, PRC decided to carry out the pilot projects to perfect urban social security system in Jilin province. Since 2006, the system has expanded to the whole country. In 2004, China determined to carry on urban social security system improvement pilot work in Jilin Province, and from 2006, the system has already been generalized in the whole country. In addition, Jilin is one of the provinces in the country to implement the policy of old-age insurance with social pooling. Till to the end of November 2006, Jilin province has paid pensions of 10,302,000,000 Yuan fully and timely for five years in succession, to 1,376,400 enterprises retirees. Now 1267000 retirees receive pensions fully and timely from bank, post office or community each month. The social provision rate of the pension reached 93%, and the other part was delivered by social security agency.

Doing a good job on rural social security system is another Jilin’s act to concentrate on people’s lives. In 2006, the rural residents who enjoy subsistence allowance reached 800,000. In October 2006, provincial government enhanced the standard of the subsistence allowance, and enlarged the delivered extension. The rural residents whose average income is lower 683 Yuan will receive subsistence allowance.

■Housing Improvement

The shantytown refers to the dirty and noisy urban area where the one-story houses are more, with the long time construction service life, the average per person area is small, the necessary infrastructure is incomplete, the public security and the hidden fire danger is big. The shantytown is the historical pain of Jilin Province. Implementing the shantytown rebuilding is the problem concerned with the general populations directly and mostly. That also is the objective request to implement the scientific development view, and to construct the harmonious society, and the obligatory responsibility of the party committees and government all levels.

At the end of 2005, Jilin Province has planned to complete rebuilding work of 15,000,000 square meters shantytown within 3 years, to improve the housing conditions of 1,000,000 low income crowds. So far, 153,000 households had to obtain the allocation in Jilin Province, 402,000 inhabitants moved into the new home happily.

In 2007, the shantytown rebuilding project will be carry out in 40 counties (cities). Each county will have to complete about 100,000 square meters rebuilding, in addition planned this year in cities, the complete reconstruction areas will probably be 9,500,000 square meters. Jilin province will spend 350,000,000 Yuan subsidy to complete the shantytown rebuilding project specially.

Health and Medical Care

Jilin Province urban medical insurance system covered a broad scope, including urban residents, unemployed persons, employees in flexible and varied forms, the treatment standard was divided into three scales, each human can hand in 200 Yuan, 150 Yuan, 120 Yuan every year, then can enjoy the highest payment quotas of 45,000 Yuan, 40,000 Yuan, 35,000 Yuan separately.

At the end of 2006, there were 564 community health care institutions in Jilin province, including 70 community health service centers, 494 community health-care stations, covered a total of 9.142 million people. Through implementing mass drug purchasing by public bidding, benefit the patients to spare 250,000,000 Yuan. In 2006, 6,244,000 farmers participated new rural cooperatives medical service, occupied 74.3% of 8,402,000 agricultural populations in 24 experiment counties (city), and altogether gathered the fund of 281,308,000 Yuan, 2,442,000 farmers had enjoyed the profit, have paid compensation fund 201,486,000 Yuan, accounted for 71.6% of the total raising fund amount. The popular rate of health restroom achieved 61.6% in the countryside of Jilin province, and the popular rate of purified water reached 48.8%. The mortality rate of pregnant woman was 30.64/100,000, dropped 3.97 /100,000 compared to the last year. The infant mortality was 7.86 ‰. The natural population growth of Jilin Province was lower than the domestic average level in a few year, entered the low birth horizontal province ranks in lead. The education level of women and children remarkablly enhanced, the basic rights and interests were well protected, played more and more vital role in political, economical, social and cultural life.

来源: 中国发展门户网
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