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中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 07 日 
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“Work hard to carry out the projects to save energy, water, land resources, and material and environmental protection and clean production. Develop circulation economy and economized industry. Protecting the ecological environment legally, strengthening the drinking water source protection work and the pollution treatment of the key basins and regions such as Songhua River, Dongliao River and so on. Advance the construction of ecological province to implement the sustainable development strategy.”

——from Report on the Work of Jilin Province Government in 2007

■Sustainable Ecological Environment

In November 1999, the State Environmental Protection Administration authorized by the State Council, approved Jilin Province as an experiment in constructing an ecological province. In December 2001, “the General Outline Program for Constructing the Ecological Province of Jilin ” was approved by the 27th Standing session of the Jilin Provincial People’s Congress, and to be implemented in three stages: the startup stage, the expanding stage, and enhancing stage. The period of 2001-2005 is the startup stage, in which a map will be drawn up, the program will come off to a good start, a basic framework will be completed for the constructing an environment-friendly economy, and the province image of the major organic resource will be established. The period of 2006-2015 will be the second phase. That is to say, in ten years’ time, the economy, society and eco-environment of Jilin will enter a healthy cycle of development, an environment-friendly economic system will come to stay, and Jilin will have set the image as a major pollution-free industrial province. The period of 2016-2030 will be the third stage, when all the achievements in the previous two stages will be consolidated. In 14 years’ time, Jilin will have reached all its ecological goals and show as strong province with the pollution-free economic development. At present, because of the hard work of the whole province people the construction of ecology province had a good beginning. Jilin province have started 56 priority engineering project of ecology province construction, with total investment 9,852,000,000 Yuan, established 29 natural protection areas, with the area of 1,951,000 hectares, 10.8% of the total province area. There were 19 ecology model districts, with the area of 8,496,100 hectares, 45.2% of the provincial area; planted the public forest of 96,300 hectares, cultivated the new forest of 682,000 hectares. According to the general aims from "Jilin Ecology Province Construction Overall Plan ", Jilin Province will work hard to construct strong province with the developed economy, civilization society, fine ecological environment, sustainable resources in 30 years, and make the new contribution for comprehensive progress of the humanity material and the spiritual civilization.

■Friendly Natural Environment

The construction of the ecological environment in Jilin has made a good start. By the end of 2005, Jilin province has set up 33 nature preservation zones at different levels (including 9 national nature preservation zones, 15 provincoal, 3 city and 6 county nature preservation zones), with an area of 2.2179 million hectares, up 20.2% over in 2000 year. There are 23 demonstrating ecological zones, up 5 over 2000 year, covering a total area of 11.9487 million sq. hectares, up 35.7% over 2000 year. The province made a great progress in preserving the main rivers and areas and preventing from the pollution. According to “General Program for Constructing the Ecological Province of Jilin ”, in 30 years, we will build Jilin into an ecological healthy powerful province with a relatively developed economy, a highly civilized society and a fine eco-environment in which resources can be renewed in a sustained way, and to benefit human on the progress of the natural and spiritual civilization.(The Information Office of the People’s Government of Jilin Province)

来源: 中国发展门户网

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