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Agenda of the Seventh Annual Asian Media Forum
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 04 日 
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1000 - 1100         Session 1

                        Research and Discussion on Economic Trends and the Development of the Media Industry in Asia (China)


Hu Shuli,

Chief Editor, Caijing Magazine



Chen Dongqi

Vice-President,Institute of Macro Economics, National Development and Reform Commission


Qi Bin

Director , Research Center, China Securities Regulatory Commission


Ahn Hyoung-Hwan

Member of the Korean National Assembly, the Grand National Party

Committee Member, Korean Television and Broadcasting Legislative Committee


Yang Zaiping

Executive Vice President of China Banking Association



Gao Yunfei

Vice President ,Shanghai Media Group (SMG)

Chairman & General Manager , China Business Media Co.Ltd

Chairman, China Business News Co.Ltd



Liu Zhouwei

Chief Editor, 21st Century Economic Report


1100—1115         Tea Break





























来源: 中国发展门户网
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Organizing Committee
Agenda of the Seventh Annual Asian City Forum
About Jilin(关于吉林)
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