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中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 07 日 
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■Folk-custom Tour

There are 43 different folks living in Jilin Province, such as the Koreans, the Manchus, and the Mogolians. So the different folk-custom of various ethnic folks become another hot spot to attract tourists.

In the east part of Jilin Province, more than 110 million Korean peoples is living there. Because most of the people likes singing and dancing, and always warmly welcome the guests with zest, the Koreans are famous as “White Skirt Nationality”. When it is holiday, or when there are guests visiting, almost all the zest people will put on their beautiful particular clothes, singing and dancing gracefully with sound music, and performing their traditional program, such as playing on a swing, on a special springboard, or performing wrestling. The tourists also might be invited to the home of the people, and regale themselves on an authentic Korean meal with vinegar-pepper pickles, sticky-rice cakes, cool noodles, rice alcohols, etc. If you the tourists are lucky enough, maybe they can attend a birthday ceremony of a 60-year-old elder, or a wedding ceremony of young couples, and then the original traditions that are revealed by the etiquette nationality surely will make you feel surprise.

The Manchus ever establish their own dynasty and even unified China in history. Now, most of the Manchus are living in the northeastern part of China, especially in Changchun, Jilin, Tonghua, and Siping. And there is a Manchu Autonomous County, and 10 Manchu Autonomous towns. In these areas, people preserve their ancient precious flirtatious expressions, such as Hayima (traditional Manchu foods, also called water cake), sticky bean cake, thatched shed with clay walls, the full-course Manchu-Han banquet, along with authentic North-east Opera, “humors sayings”, and Saman “ waist rings” with clear rhythm, people will deeply feel they are surrounded by the ancient austerity. In Ula area, Han township, there is a Manchu folk village. A “Film base”, called Ula thatched shed, is located there. Tourists can view and admire the previous interesting “Three Odd phenomenon” of north-east China, that is papers adhering outside the windows, young girls smoking with a long- stemmed pipe, and infants being put in a hanging cradle.

On the border of Jilin and Mogolia Province, there are 16,000 mongols living in the autonomous counties, like Tongyu, Taonan, Zhenlai, and Qianguoerluosi. When the summer pasturage bumper period is coming, the herdsman will never fail to hold the Nadam Festival, which is a combination of sacrificing, sing, dancing, wrestling, shooting as well as other interesting matches, performances. They express their appreciation to the God in their own way, and fully deliver the gladness for their harvest.

During enjoying the different programs, tourists can eating hand-tearing meet, and drinking big-bowl alcohol and horse-milk tea with local people; During the night, living in the Mongolians camp, listening the remote music of horse’ head like musical instrument, experiencing the Mongols special sleeping camp, people surly will have another feeling of his life.

■Jilin Cuisine

Jilin cuisine is a new foods system that is cultivated in 90’s. It has been called an exotic flower in the garden of Chinese cuisine field. Jilin cuisine has its special folk customs, region culture, raw materials, and cooking ethnics. These characters, together with accepting other good points of other dishes, develop into its own features. Jilin dishes mainly have four series: folk dishes, folk-custom dishes, palace dishes, and mountain delicacies dishes. It has four characters: natural, green, nutritious, and healthy, and also implies meaning of luck, happiness, and fortune. In 1999, Jilin Dishes had been very famous when the president of Jilin Province Honghu proposed it to be “Jilin Dishes”. In 2001, the 2nd Chinese Delicious Food Festival, Jilin Dishes was determined to be one of the “New Eight Food System” by its brightly characteristics.

来源: 中国发展门户网
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