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About Jilin(关于吉林)
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 03 日 
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The education is developed in Jilin province. There are 65 universities or colleges, with 483800 students. Among of them, there are 43 general universities, with 362200 students. There are 190 graduates per 10000 personsoccupies the sixth in the country. All the developments of the middle and primary, vocational, special education are fast. In Jilin province, there are many education models, such as Jilin University, Northeast Normal University, Changchun Science and Engineering University (the former Changchun Optic Machinery Institute), Jilin Agriculture University, Yanbian University, Middle School Affiliated to the Northeast Normal University, Jilin Provincial Experimental Middle School, Changchun Experimental Middle School, No. 11 Middle School of Changchun, Primary School Affiliated to the Northeast Normal University, and Jiefang Dalu Primary School and Shuxun Primary School of Changchun, etc.

In 2006, there were 41000 postgraduate students in Jilin province, including 14000 new entrants and 8946 students in their last year of their graduate programs. The recruit students number of ordinary higher education was 133,000. There were 435,000 students in university or college, and 102,000 graduates. Enrollment number of the adult higher learning was 60,000, with 165,000 students in total and 28,000 graduates. The various vocational schools had an enrollment of 229,000 students, including 106,000 new entrants and 60,000 graduates. Regular senior secondary schools had 513,000 enrolled students, including 176,000 new entrants and 146,000 students in their last year of school. The students enrolled in junior secondary schools totaled 1,006,000, including 318,000 new entrants and 388,000 in their last year of school. The number of Pupils was 1,556,000, including 236,000 new entrants and 312,000 to graduate. Kindergartens accommodated 325,000 children. There were 4881 students in special education school, with 428 new entrants and 611 to graduate.


Science and Technology


In the early post-liberation years, Jilin had only five research institutes, including the Changchun Applied Chemistry Research Institute, the Changchun Bio-product research institute and the Jilin Academy of Agronomy, which were taken over from the old regime during the War of Liberation. Later, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other state departments have established some new research institutions in Jilin, including the Changchun Optical Precision Machinery Institute and the Chanchun Automobile Research Institute. Some world-famous scientists, such as Wu Xuezhou and Tang Ao’qing, were dispatched to Jilin. In the same year, the Jilin branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was established, and so was the Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Working Commission (which was later renamed Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Commission). After the convocation of the National Science and Technology Conference in 1978, Jilin’s science and technology entered a new stage of development. Social science also made much headway that year, with the establishment of the Jilin Provincial Academy of Social Sciences. In 1983, Jilin Economic and Technological Research Centre and the Jilin Social Science Federation(SSF) were established. (SSF merged into Jilin provincial Academy of Social Sciences in 2001).

Till to 2006, in Jilin province there has been 41 academicians from CAS, CAE and the Third World Academy of Science, Russia Academy of Science. A total of 493 scientific research results were achieved. 4196 technology transfer contracts were signed, up 8.2%, involving a transaction value of 1.54 billion Yuan, up 25.7%.4578 patent applications were received from home and abroad, while 2319 patent applications were authorized, up 11.6% and 14.6% respectively.

The province is now in the possession of 17 research institutions affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and relevant state ministries and commissions; these include the Changchun Precision Optical Machinery and Physics Research Institute, the Changchun Applied Chemistry Research Institute, the Northeast Geology and Agro-Ecology Research institute and the Changchun Bio-product Research institute. There are also 119 independent research institutes at and above the county level, 190 research and development centers run by colleges, and 123 research and development organizations in large and medium-sized industrial enterprises. The province is also the venue of ten key national laboratories, 35 provincial key labs and experimental centers, and 12 regular technology markets.

Jilin Province is rather competitive in such technological fields as optics, applied chemistry, solid-state physics, electronic information technology, bio-engineering technology, new materials, advanced manufacturing technology, modern agriculture, modern Chinese medicine, ecological environmental protection, and environment-friendly automobile research. Jilin is in the front ranks in some of these fields. By relying on its abundant scientific and technological resources, the province has cultivated a cluster of key industries and enterprises and new sources of economic growth. The photoconduction industrial garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came under construction in Changchun in June 2000; covering an area of 2.12 square km in the Changchun Economic and Technological Development zone and calling for a total investment of 18 billion Yuan. Once completed, the garden will net an annual income of 30 billion Yuan. In 2000, the Ministry of Science and Technology approved Jilin Province as China’s second modern scientific and technological industrial base for traditional Chinese medicine, where five research offices are already engaged in the cultivation of traditional medicinal herbs, Chinese medicinal chemistry, Chinese pharmacology, combination chemistry, and Chinese medicine quality inspection. They have started 13 centers for the planting of pollution-free medicinal herbs; ginseng included, and designated Jilin Aodong, Changchun Huakang, Tonghua Dongbao and eight other enterprises as pacesetters for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine.

On September 20, 2006, Changchun China and Russia science and technology garden opened, which was one of the series sience and technology activities of   Chinese and Russian country year. Changchun China and Russia science and technology garden is an internationalization industry garden area with the modernized enterprise system and the cultural atmosphere, which was set up by Jilin provincial government and Chinese Academy of Science, Russian Academy of science Siberia Branch, Russian Novosibirsky Government. It got the intelligence superiority of the talented person, technology, information with other social resources superiority and so on close union.

Over the years Jilin’s scientists and technicians have come up with a host of results. It is in Jilin’s research institutes that China produced its first piece of synthetic rubber, microscope, crucible of optical glass, ruby laser, as well as Dongfeng- and Hongqi-brand cars. It is where the nation produced its first-generation railway passenger car and subway electric passenger car, totally separated rare-earth elements for the first time, and developed its first high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance chemical analyzer. In the new century, the province will continue to push its strategy of rejuvenating the local economy with science and education. Due importance will be attached to science and technology by increasing the investment and striving to raise the contributions of scientific and technological results to economic growth.

来源: 中国发展门户网
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