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About Jilin(关于吉林)
中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn  2009 年 08 月 03 日 
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The people have cultivated a rich and colorful civilization on the black soil land in Jilin. They have also formed a northeast culture with distinct local features. Jilin literature is full of characteristic from northeast of China. The Bohai literatures as well as the Liao, Jin and Qing dynasties have left a rich literary legacy that consists mainly of verse and prose. The Liao literature mainly portrayed scenes of production and life of the Khitan people. The literature of the Jin Dynasty captures the hunting life of the northern ethnic peoples, while that of the Qing Dynasty reflects the fishing, hunting and country life of the Manchus inhabiting the Ula area. For instance, the well-known Song “Sailing Boats on the Songhua River”, was composed by Aisin-Gioro Xuanye during an inspection tour in Jilin Province in 1582, the 21st year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty.

       After the founding of New China the literary scene of Jilin province has been thriving as never before, with fruitful results achieved in all branches of literature -- verse, fiction, prose, reportage, folk literature, children’s literature, and what not. The folk literature of Jilin goes back a long way and is widespread, entailing the historical and cultural traditions of a variety of ethnic peoples, and exuding a distinct style deeply ingrained in the thoughts and feelings of the people of northeast China. The digging of ginseng deep in the Changbai Mountains, the rafting of felled trees down the rivers, hunting, gold panning and other daily activities of the local people have provided rich soil for the emergence of an endless stream of folk tales. Jilin is in the front ranks in China in the creative writing of Mongolian, Korean and Manchu literature.

    Jilin is a multi-ethnic province; various culture and art are prevailing everywhere.

       The local opera genres include errenzhuansong-and-dance duet,the Jilin Opera, the Xincheng Opera, and the Yellow Dragon Opera. The song-and-dance duet, known among local people as bengbeng or bangzi duet, took its present form by assimilating the northeast yangge dance, folk songs and lianhualuo (ballad-singing using the words “lianhualuo” as foil and coda) and incorporating elements of singing, dancing, narration and traditional Chinese opera. With a history of nearly two centuries, this genre of performing art has accumulated a traditional repertoire of nearly 300 numbers, and takes such forms as danchutou, errenzhuan and lachangxi. The Jilin Opera is a new genre created in 1959 on the basis of errenzhuan and other local operas. Its trademark numbers include Peaches and Plums, Lord Bao Makes an Apology, Yan Qing Sells Threads, and One-Night Imperial Concubine. The Xincheng Opera of Fuyu County derives its basic tunes from the Manchurian storytelling in rhythmic language and singing accompanied by an octagonal drum with copper clappers attached to its size. The Yellow Dragon Opera, based on the northeast leather-silhouette show, is popular among the people of Fuyu and Nong’an counties. Yearning for the Yellow Dragon Mansion, won a new opera award at the First Wenhua Awards Festival hosted by the Ministry of Culture, and Valiant Nuchen Tribesmen was another prize-winning work at the Third Wenhua Awards Festival.

The performing art of Jilin Province also encompasses such genres as the Mongolian haolaibao and uligol and the Korean pansuli and gudaling. The Koreans, Mongolians and Manchus in the multi-ethnic Jilin are born singers and dancers. The province was also the cradle of the northeast yangge dance. The music of Jilin is marked for its local and multi-ethnic features and runs the gamut from the yangge and drum-and-wind instrument music of the Han people to the music of the Koreans, Mongolians and Manchus. Jilin Province is in the possession of a comprehensive range of fine arts as well. The stele in Ji’an devoted to the 19th king of Kogurya is not just a politic ally and historically valuable treasure – it is also a masterpiece of calligraphy and stone engraving.

Film manufacture is another “business card” which making Changchun famous abroad. The Changchun Film Studio is extolled as the cradle of the motion-picture industry of New China. It has many national “firsts” to its credit. By the end of the 20th century, the studio had produced 700 feature films, 120 popular science films and 400 TV plays. Major films were well known, such as , , , , , span st="on">Icy Mountain>, , , and . In April, 2003, confronting the downcast film market, the Changchun film makers decided to make a fresh start. They began to create a fully new “Century’s Changchun Film City” (Movie Wonder Land), aiming at using the old factory’s “old” to build a film art museum. They created an “Eastern Hollywood” outside company to return nurturing to the parent film studio that is making a bolded attempt to develop a new vice-industry to assist the main industry--- film making. The first period construction of the Movie Wonder Land takes 300,000 square meters, in possession of 14 main entertaining project, such as Laser Aerosol movie, Ball-curtain motion movie, Four-dimension movie, Water-curtain movie, Gigantic-curtain movie, and so on. The Movie Wonder Land operated in May 29th, 2005.

In recent years, Jilin teleplay has aroused widespread interest. A series teleplays made in Jilin have broadcasted unceasingly in channel 1 of CCTV  at prime time, such as "Holy Water Lakeside", "Chen Yun in Linjiang", "Beautiful Field", "Farms in City ", "Chashu Village " and so on. According to the Statistics, in recent years, 59 teleplays of Jilin Province have gained the great prize in the nation. Among them, 11 got “five first project prizes” of cultural and ethical progress promotion; 27 attained the Feitian award of Chinese teleplays; 13 golden eagle award; 1 star light prize; 2 steed prize of national minority literature; and 5 other awards.

Popular cultural activities are thriving in both cities and villages and from early spring to the bitter-cold winter. City squares, communities, farmlands and courtyards set the stage for the emergence of many distinctive cultural centers, folk artists and masterpieces. Dongfeng County is known nationwide as a land of peasant painting, and one of the works, Happy Evening Years, won a first-class award at the First National Peasant Painting Exhibition and became part of the collection of the China Art Gallery. The tree roots sculptures of the Songhua Lake, the stone inkslabs from the Songhua River, and folk paper-cuts and other arts and crafts of Jilin are sources of pride for the local people. The Changchun Film Festival (started in 1992), the Jilin Rimed Tree and Snow-and-Icy Festival, the Yanbian Korean Folklore Festival, the Siping Heroic City Concert, the LiaoYuan Peasant Art Festival, and the Baicheng “The Summer of the Grassland” Concert are local favorites that serve also to combine local economy with culture.

Since the 1990s the cultural workers of Jilin have won 5 “Five Firsts Projects” awards, 50 Wenhua awards, and 3 “Theatrical Club Awards”. At the end of 2005, there were 61 art-performing groups, 81 cultural centers and mass art centers, 63 public libraries, 18 museums, 10 radio broadcasting stations, 10 television stations, 41 county broadcasting television stations. Subscribers to cable television programs reached 2,695,000. 5336 kinds of books were published, and the total copy number was 130 million. 78 kinds of newspapers were published, with total copy number 870 million. There are 236 kinds of magazines, with the total copy number 90 million. A series of books won the national and provincial excellent works award.

■ Sports

In athletics sports aspect, Jilin Province has many superiority projects speed skating, figure skating, free style ski, shooting, archery, wrestling, weight lifting, bicycle and so on. In 2006, Jilin Province athletes altogether obtained 4 gold medals at the world big games, obtained 8 gold medals at the 15th session of Asian Games, obtained 5 gold medals at the Asian championship tournament, obtained 58 gold medals in the national competition. 1 human have broken 1 world record, 2 humans broke 2 Asia records 2 times, 4 humans broke 4 Asian Games records 5 times, 1 human broke 1 item of national record. Jilin province obtained the commendation of National Sports Bureau “prominent contribution unit of the 15th session of Asian Games”. At the end of 2006, Jilin province has had 10120 social sports instructors at various levels, 3616 morning exercise places. In 2006, Jilin province built 3 fitness centers at city level, 10 fitness centers at county level, 59 fitness squares at county level. 101 urban communities and 151 countryside villages and towns built inside and outside fitness facility. At the end of 2006, thare were 17524 sports locations altogether, average per person area was 1.45 square meters.

At the beginning of 2007, the sixth session of Asian Winter Games was held successfully in Changchun, the Olympic committees from 45 countries and regions attended, with the total registration number of 3071 people. The sixth Asian Winter Game was the successful snow and ice sports games with the biggest scale and the broadest participation country and area, athlete, audience in the Asian winter movement history. The Asian Olympics Council has given the very high appraisal to this session of Asian Winter Games, and said Changchun Asian Winter Games have made a new record for the Asian winter movements.

来源: 中国发展门户网
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