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Per Inpatient Medical Expense for 30 Diseases (2006)

Category of Diseases   出院者 出 院 者        
病人数   平均住院 #床位费 #药  #手术费 #检 
(人) 住院日 医疗费用
  (日) (元)       治疗费
Number of Average Per Capita Beds Drug Ope- Exami-
Patients Duration Medical     ration nation
Discharged of Expense       and
from Hospita- for Patients       Treatment
Hospitals lization Discharging        
(person) (day) from        
  Internal Department              
  病毒性肝炎    Viral Hepatitis 57916 17.1 6199.5 524.8 3973.6   570.2
  浸润性肺结核    Infiltrative  Pulmonary Tuberculosis 36584 11.7 3892.1 334.3 1950.4   639.1
  急性心肌梗塞    Acute Myocardial Infarction 21758 10.4 11401.1 426.7 3649.2   3165.2
  充血性心力衰竭    Congestive Heart Failure 2195 12.0 4689.2 307.0 2399.4   894.3
  细菌性肺炎    Bacterial Pneumonia 10370 10.3 3960.5 327.3 2058.0   685.9
  慢性肺源性心脏病    Chronic Pulmonary Heart Diseases 24276 11.2 5490.8 383.9 3039.6   964.0
  急性上消化道出血    Acute Upper Gastrointestinal 3663 7.7 4901.4 392.8 2308.8   870.6
  原发性肾病综合征    Primary Nephrotic Syndrome 15960 14.5 4621.3 431.1 2293.8   685.3
  甲状腺机能亢进    Hyperthyroidism 17020 10.3 3569.4 298.7 1409.4   773.9
  脑出血    Intracerebral Haemorrhage 96019 13.4 7731.6 430.2 4034.7   1520.2
  脑梗塞    Cerebral Infarction 204934 13.1 6325.1 409.0 3813.7   1008.4
  再生障碍性贫血    Aplastic Anaemias 8581 8.8 5672.7 355.1 2653.0   691.0
  急性白血病    Acute Leukaemia 14206 13.9 9049.3 544.2 4899.8   1033.1
  Surgical Department              
  结节性甲状腺肿    Nodular Goitre 25959 8.7 5091.3 300.4 1436.1 1333.3 912.7
  急性阑尾炎    Acute Appendicitis 163534 6.6 2942.1 180.5 1174.7 670.9 434.3
  急性胆囊炎    Acute Cholecystitis 19029 9.1 4595.1 256.0 2249.5 1376.4 686.4
  腹股沟疝     Inguinal Hernia 84952 7.6 3428.2 223.2 867.4 940.3 569.5
  胃恶性肿瘤    Malignant Neoplasm of Stomach 50749 15.3 12060.8 530.3 5597.0 2353.3 1746.3
  肺恶性肿瘤    Malignant Neoplasm of Lung 51767 15.0 9599.2 570.3 5113.1 1626.3 1847.2
  食管恶性肿瘤    Malignant Neoplasm of Oesophagus 25422 16.6 11837.2 534.8 5092.3 2576.1 2315.6
  心肌梗塞冠状动脉    Myocardial Infarction Coronary 599 16.4 31684.8 757.5 6335.6 8162.7 8118.5
    搭桥      Artery Bypass Grafting              
  膀胱恶性肿瘤    Malignant Neoplasm of Bladder 10853 16.3 10098.3 614.1 4098.8 1823.7 1836.3
  前列腺增生    Hyperplasia of Prostate 46168 14.0 7050.6 440.0 2670.9 1752.4 1250.4
  颅内损伤    Intracranial Injury 185116 11.5 7008.8 354.2 3690.0 1342.7 1248.8
  腰椎间盘突出症    Lumbar Intervertebral Disc 30851 12.7 5359.1 356.8 1624.4 1694.1 1293.6
  Pediatric Department              
  支气管肺炎    Bronchopneumonia 201085 6.4 1359.2 148.7 658.8 133.7 236.5
  感染性腹泻    Infectious Diarrhoea 10440 4.4 1032.8 109.2 452.2 224.1 201.8
妇产科 Department of Obstetric and              
  子宫平滑肌瘤    Leiomyoma of Uterus 77639 9.9 5050.1 311.5 1249.3 1304.6 957.1
  Ophthalmology Department               
  老年性白内障    Senile Cataract 63060 6.0 4169.1 212.8 469.1 1645.9 960.8
注: 本表系卫生部门综合医院数字。
  a)  Data in this table are from general hospitals of health sector.
来源: 中国发展门户网

各地区村卫生室人员数 (2006年)
大范围降雪致多省受灾严重 国家再拨17.5亿补助金
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