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中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.com.cn  2008 年 01 月 18 日 
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Number of Health Institutions 

          疗养院 卫生院   门诊部   妇幼保健院 专科疾病 疾病预防控制
综合医院 中医医院 专科医院 (个) #乡镇 (所) #诊所医务室 (所.站) 防 治 院 中心(防疫站)
            Health 卫生院 Outpaient 卫生所护理站 Maternity (所.站) Centers for
Total Hospitals General Hospitals Specialized Sanatoriums Centers Township Departments Clinics, and Child Specialized Diseases Control
    Hospitals Specialized Hospitals   (unit) Health (Institutions) infirmaries, Care Centers Prevention & and Prevention
              Centers   Health Stations, (Institutions Treatment Centers (Epidemic
      in Traditional           Nursing Stations Stations) (Institutions Prevention
      Chinese Medicine               Stations) Stations)
1949 3670 2600       30     769   9 11  
1950 8915 2803 2692 4 85 60     3356   426 30 61
1955 67725 3648 3351 67 188 822     51600   3944 287 315
1960 261195 6020 5173 330 401 1577 24849 24849 213823   4213 683 1866
1965 224266 5330 4747 131 339 887 36965 36965 170430   2910 822 2499
1970 149823 5964 5353 117 385 359 56568 56568 79600   1124 607 1714
1975 151733 7654 6817 160 543 297 54026 54026 80739   2128 683 2912
1978 169732 9293 7539 447 643 389 55018 55018 94395   2571 887 2989
1980 180553 9902 7859 678 694 470 55413 55413 102474   2745 1138 3105
1981 190126 10252 8044 781 718 538 55500 55500 111189   2789 1197 3202
1982 193438 10471 8146 878 731 593 55496 55496 113916   2827 1272 3271
1983 196017 10901 8370 1009 772 606 55559 55559 115826   2851 1326 3274
1984 198256 11381 8545 1218 810 599 55549 55549 117028   2955 1458 3339
1985 200866 11955 9197 1485 938 640 47387 47387 126604   2996 1566 3410
1986 203139 12442 9363 1646 1030 638 46967 46967 127575   3059 1635 3475
1987 204960 12962 9657 1790 1097 652 47177 47177 128459   3082 1697 3512
1988 205988 13544 9916 1932 1190 652 47529 47529 128422   3103 1727 3532
1989 206724 14090 10242 2046 1265 651 47523 47523 128112   3112 1747 3591
1990 208734 14377 10424 2115 1362 650 47749 47749 129332   3148 1781 3618
1991 209036 14628 10562 2195 1345 642 48140 48140 128665   3187 1818 3652
1992 204787 14889 10774 2269 1376 639 46117 46117 125873   3187 1845 3673
1993 193586 15436 11426 2298 1438 600 45024 45024 115161   3115 1872 3729
1994 191742 15595 11549 2336 1440 587 51929 51929 105984   3190 1905 3711
1995 190057 15663 11586 2361 1445 582 51797 51797 104406   3179 1895 3729
1996 322566 15833 11696 2405 1473 528 51723 51277 237153 233113 3172 1887 3737
1997 315033 15944 11771 2413 1488 506 51535 50981 229474 225490 3180 1893 3747
1998 314097 16001 11779 2443 1495 503 50613 50071 229349 225421 3191 1889 3746
1999 300996 16678 11868 2441 1533 485 50257 49694 226588 222047 3180 1877 3763
2000 324771 16318 11872 2453 1543 471 49777 49229 240934 237256 3163 1839 3741
2001 330348 16197 11834 2478 1576 461 48643 48090 248061 244345 3132 1783 3813
2002 306038 17844 12716 2492 2237 365 46014 44992 219907 212888 3067 1839 3580
2003 291323 17764 12599 2518 2271 305 45204 44279 204468 198316 3033 1749 3584
2004 297540 18393 12900 2611 2492 292 42471 41626 208794 202646 2998 1583 3588
2005 298997 18703 12982 2620 2682 274 41694 40907 207457 201562 3021 1502 3585
2006 308969 19246 13120 2665 3022 264 40791 39975 212243 205814 3003 1402 3548
    a) Number of health institutions excluded village clinics.                    
    b) Number of health institutions since 2002 excludes medical colleges, drug test institutions,frontier health and quarantine centers and family       
        planning guidance stations of non-health departments.                  
    c)  Health centers before 1996 refer to township health centers.                  
    d)  Number of outpatient department (institutions) includes outpatient department, clinics, health stations, infirmaries, nursing stations. And number       
                  of outpatient department (institutions) before 1996 excluded private clinics.    
来源: 中国发展门户网

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