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中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.com.cn  2008 年 01 月 07 日 
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Major Indicators of Social Development
    Index 1978 1980 1990 2000 2005 2006
招生数(万人) New Students Enrollment   (10000 persons)            
  研究生(人)    Postgraduates (person) 10708 3616 29649 128484 364831 397925
  普通高等教育    Regular Higher Education 40.2 28.1 60.9 220.6 504.5 546.1
  成人高等教育     Adult Higher Education       156.2 193.0 184.4
  中等职业教育     Secondary Vacational Education   256.2 286.1 386.8 655.7 747.8
  普通高中    Regular Senior Secondary Schools  692.9 383.4 249.8 472.7 877.7 871.2
  普通初中     Regular Junior Secondary Schools 2006.0 1550.9 1369.9 2263.3 1976.5 1923.6
        Primary Schools 3315.4 2942.3 2064.0 1946.5 1671.7 1729.4
在校生数(万人) Students Enrollment   (10000 persons)            
  研究生(人)    Postgraduates (person) 10934 21604 93018 301239 978610 1104653
  普通高等教育     Regular Higher Education 85.6 114.4 206.3 556.1 1561.8 1738.8
  成人高等教育     Adult Higher Education 140.8 155.4 166.7 353.6 436.1 524.9
  中等职业教育      Secondary Vacational Education   675.6 763.5 1229.5 1600.0 1809.9
  普通高中    Regular Senior Secondary Schools  1553.1 969.8 717.3 1201.3 2409.1 2514.5
  普通初中     Regular Junior Secondary Schools 4995.2 4538.3 3868.7 6167.6 6171.8 5937.4
        Primary Schools 14624.0 14627.0 12241.4 13013.3 10864.1 10711.5
毕业生数(万人) Graduates   (10000 persons)            
  研究生(人)    Postgraduates (person) 9 476 35440 58767 189728 255902
  普通高等教育     Regular Higher Education 16.5 14.7 61.4 95.0 306.8 377.5
  成人高等教育     Adult Higher Education     48.9 88.0 166.8 81.5
  中等职业教育     Secondary Vacational Education     240.7 478.7 418.2 479.1
  普通高中    Regular Senior Secondary Schools 682.7 616.2 233.0 301.5 661.6 727.1
  普通初中     Regular Junior Secondary Schools 1692.6 964.7 1109.1 1607.1 2106.5 2062.4
        Primary Schools 2287.9 2053.3 1863.1 2419.2 2019.5 1928.5
全国教育经费(亿元) Total Funds for Education     548.7 3849.1 8418.8  
     (100 million yuan)            
国家财政性教育经费 Percentage of Government       2.9 2.8  
 占GDP比重(%)   Appropriation for Education to GDP (%)            
艺术表演团体(个) Arts Performance Troupes (unit) 3150 3533 2805 2630 2805 2866
公共图书馆(个) Public Libraries (unit) 1218 1732 2527 2677 2762 2778
博物馆(个) Museums (unit) 349 365 1013 1392 1581 1617
国家综合档案馆(个) General Archives (unit)       3070 3142 3154
图书出版种数(种) Number of Published Books (kind) 14987 21621 80224 143376 222473 233971
报纸出版种数(种) Number of Published Newspapers (kind)  186 188 1444 2007 1931 1938
杂志出版种数(种) Number of Published Magazines (kind)  930 2191 5751 8725 9468 9468
图书总印数 Printed Copies of Books  37.7 45.9 56.4 62.7 64.7 64.1
 (亿册、亿张)   (100 million copies,100 million sheets)            
报纸总印数(亿份) Printed Copies of Newspapers 127.8 140.4 211.3 329.3 412.6 424.5
    (100 million copies)            
杂志总印数(亿册) Printed Copies of Magazines (100 million copies) 7.6 11.3 17.9 29.4 27.6 28.5
故事影片产量(部) Number of Feature Films (film) 46.0 82.0 134.0 91.0 260.0 330.0
电视节目制作时间 Production of TV Programs (10000 hours)     9.2 102.6 255.4 261.8
卫生机构数(个)  Number of Health Institutions (unit) 169732 180553 208734 324771 298997 308969
 #医院、卫生院     Hospitals and Health Centers 64311 65315 62126 66095 60397 60037
医院卫生院床位数 Number of Beds in Hospitals and  184.7 197.1 259.2 290.8 313.5 327.1
 (万张)   Health Centers (10000 beds)            
卫生技术人员(万人) Medical and Technical Personnel 246.4 279.8 389.8 449.1 446.0 462.4
    (10000 persons)            
 #执业医师和执业    Certified Doctors and Certified 103.3 115.3 176.3 207.6 193.8 199.5
    助理医师        Assistant Doctors            
   注册护士     Registered Nurses 40.7 46.6 97.5 126.7 135.0 142.6
每千人口医生数(人) Number of Doctors per 1 000 Population  (person) 1.08 1.17 1.56 1.68 1.52 1.54
卫生总费用(亿元) Expenditure for Public Health (100 million yuan) 110.2 143.2 747.4 4586.6 8659.9  
卫生总费用占GDP Percentage of Expenditure for Public Health 3.0 3.2 4.0 4.6 4.7  
  的比重(%)    to GDP (%)            
《国家体育锻炼标准》 Number of Persons Meeting the State Physical     7478 15202 12234 11024
  达标人数(万人)   Training Standards (10000 persons)            
运动员获世界冠军(个) World Championships Won by 4 3 54 110 106 141
    Chinese Athletes (unit)            
运动员创世界记录(次) World Records Broken by Chinese 3 15 16 30 21 25
    Athletes (time)            
社会保障  Social Security            
收养性福利事业单位(个) Adopting Welfare Institutions (unit) 8571 9669 40583 40491 41368 41948
社会福利企业单位(个) Social Welfare Enterprises (unit) 920 1309 41827 40670 31211 30199
城市居民最低生活保障 Number of Persons Receiving Subsistence        402.6 2234.2 2240.1
  人数(万人)   Allowance in Urban Areas (10000 persons)            
农村低保和传统救济 Number of Persons Receiving Traditional            
  人数(万人)   Relief in Rural Areas (10000 persons)         1891.8 2987.8
 #农村居民最低生活    Number of Persons Receiving Subsistence       300.2 825.0 1593.1
  保障人数      Allowance in Rural Areas            
城镇社区服务设施数(个) Number of Community Service Facilities     84757 181444 194796 160007
    in Urban Areas (unit)            
民政事业总支出(亿元) Total Expenditure of Civil Affairs 13.7 17.5 51.9 229.7 718.4 915.4
    (100 million yuan)            
民政事业总支出占财政 Percentage of Total Expenditure of Civil 1.25 1.44 1.54 1.50 2.13 2.28
 支出的比重(%)    Affairs to Government Expenditure (%)            
公检法司  Public Security, Procuratorial,Legal and             
    Judicial Affairs            
公安机关刑事案件 Number of Criminal Cases Registered in Public       363.7 464.8 465.3
  立案数(万起)   Security Organs (10000 cases)            
公安机关治安案件 Number of Offense Cases Against Public Order       382.3 630.1 615.4
  查处数(万起)   Handled by Public Security Organs (10000 cases)            
检察机关立案侦察 Number of Cases under Direct Investigation       45113 35028 33668
  案件数(件)   by Procurator's Offices (case)            
检察机关批准决定逮捕 Arrests of Criminal Suspects Approved by       71.6 87.6 90.7
  犯罪嫌疑人(万人)   Procurator's Offices (10000 persons)            
人民法院审理一审 Number of First Trial Cases 44.8 76.4 291.7 535.6 516.1 518.4
  案件数(万件)   by Courts (10000 cases)            
  刑事案件     Criminal Cases  14.7 19.8 46.0 56.0 68.5 70.2
  民事案件     Civil Cases 30.1 56.6 185.2 341.2 438.0 438.6
  行政案件    Administrative Cases     1.3 8.6 9.6 9.6
在押服刑人员(万人) Termers in Custody (10000 persons)         155.9 156.6
律师事务所(个)  Number of Law Offices (unit)     3716 9541 12988 13096
专职律师(万人) Number of Full-time Lawyers (10000 persons)     2.4 6.9 11.4 12.2
公证员(人) Number of Notaries (person)     9210 12849 11738 21362
交通事故发生数(万起) Number of Traffic Accidents (10000 cases)     25.0 61.7 45.0 37.9
交通事故死亡人数(人) Deaths in Traffic Accidents (person)     49243 93853 98738 89455
交通事故损失折款(亿元) Losses from Traffic Accidents     3.5 26.7 18.8 14.9
    (100 million yuan cash equivalent)            
火灾事故发生数(万起)  Number of Fire Accidents (10000 cases)     5.7 18.9 23.6 22.3
火灾事故死亡人数(人) Deaths in Fire Accidents (person)     2107 3021 2496 1517
火灾事故损失折款(亿元) Losses from Fire Accidents     5.1 15.2 13.6 7.8
    (100 million yuan cash equivalent)            
工会妇联  Trade Unions and Women's Federations            
工会基层组织数(万个) Number of Grassroot Trade Unions (10000 units)   37.6 60.6 85.9 117.4 132.4
全国工会会员人数(万人) Membership of Trade Unions (10000 persons)   6116.5 10135.6 10361.5 15029.4 16994.2
工会专职工作人员(万人) Number of Full-time Personnel of Trade Unions   24.3 55.6 48.2 47.7 54.3
     (10000 persons)            
全国妇联专职干部(人) Number of Full-time Cadres of Women's      97566   61565 75236
     Federations (person)            
  #少数民族干部     Number of Minority Cadres     14638   9156 11500
来源: 中国发展门户网

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