探访毛乌素沙地 荒漠变绿洲[高清组图]

2013年10月31日08:36 | 中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn | 给编辑写信 字号:T|T
关键词: 毛乌素沙地 治沙 产业化治沙 沙漠 绿色低碳能源产业 生物质发电



中国网/中国发展门户网讯  (记者魏博)毛乌素沙地是中国四大沙地之一,沙地含水比较充足,属于可治理的沙地。过去由于气候变化、过度放牧、采矿等原因,土地沙化问题十分严重。多年来,一批优秀的治沙英雄,用顽强的精神与沙漠进行不屈的抗争,创造了人进沙退、荒漠变绿洲的世界奇迹。如今,毛乌素沙地已经看不到大片的沙漠,经过治理的沙地上生长着沙柳、旱柳、沙蒿、柠条等沙生植物,为广袤的毛乌素沙地增添了一抹抹新绿。

Maowusu Sandy Land: From Desert to Oasis

As one of China’s four vast sandy areas, Maowusu Sandy Land is different from those sandy deserts buried in tough conditions. With a relatively larger presence of ground water, the Maowusu Sandy Land is easier to control and transform. Due to climate change, overgrazing, mining and other reasons, the land desertification of Maowusu posed a serious problem in the past. Thanks to the efforts of a group of people who have been fighting desertification for several years, Maowusu has transformed from a sandy desert into a lush oasis. Today, the vegetation in the Maowusu Sandy Land has flourished, with many types of desert plants such as salix mongolica, dryland willow, sand sagebrush, caragana microphylla broadly, growing there. [CnDG by Wei Bo]


探访毛乌素治沙基地 国际组织与企业共建绿色低碳产业

探访毛乌素治沙基地 中国产业化治沙书写大漠传奇

中国约40%沙漠含水可治理 面临资金难题(图)


荒漠变绿洲 毛乌素沙地生物多样性增加(图)

生物质烟气变废为宝 螺旋藻催生治沙产业链(图)

破解产业化治沙亏损难题 国际组织助力实现治沙梦


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